Tuesday, March 21, 2006

AG was fairly nice today, though Osterhus doesn't look as spicy to me as she did in the beginning. I'm thinking of asking her to kick it up a notch; I need something to keep me alert when my afternoon nap-urge starts to settle in.
As for class itself, I learned that Wilhelm Busch was great.
A short bio can be found here: Wilhelm Busch
I've also joyfully rediscovered Heinrich Hoffmann's Struwwelpeter.
A sample from the collection: The Story of Fidgety Philip

Tomorrow afternoon I'm spending a few hours in Aachen, another historical city (larger than Marksburg, I think). I hope to come back with decent photographs but I make no promises. It's clear to me my second self, my elderly self, is very much encouraged by fieldtrips. Sometimes I'm unable to occupy myself with anything but complaints about the weather, how these damned kids have no respect, and how my dentures only really feel right when I soak them in Efferdent Plus.

Last for now, a quick plug for the old Milos Forman film Amadeus. If you haven't seen it, you must see it. Peter Shaffer's writing shines as brilliantly here as it does on any stage, F. Murray Abraham gives the best onscreen performance of the '80s, and Mozart's music is so interwoven with the film that Shaffer himself called it a character all its own.